1. DO YOU GUARANTEE RAPID REG (RR)? Of course, we guarantee it to work just as we have promoted it…….. I guran-damn-tee it!

2. DO YOU WARRANTY RR? Absolutely, we will honor a 90 day warranty against defects in it’s build quality.

3. WHAT IS RR MADE OF? Rapid Reg is made of two components. The top, clear portion is made of a reflective 5 mil polyester material, while the bottom is made of a durable polyester/cellulose, non-tearing fabric that is perfect for gripping to pallets. Although the real magic of this template is that it’s bonded together with - a complex mix of pure South American pit viper venom, African boar saliva and the sweet honey of Australian killer bees! We don’t recommend making these at home!

4. WHERE IS RR MADE? Rapid Reg is made with good ol’ American hands down at Ace Screen Graphics print shop in San Antonio, TX.

5. HOW LONG UNTIL MY RR SHIPS? All templates are made to order and will ship within 2-3 days after your order is received. Rush shipping may be made available on a as-needed basis.

6. IS RR AT ALL DANGEROUS? Very much so. It will save you so much time that you may find yourself in a state of panic with all the extra time you have on your hands (we recommend you don’t fill that extra time with illegal activity or over doing it at your local tap house).

7. DID ASG REALLY INVENT RR? A wise man once said, “there is nothing new under the sun”. We took lots of tips and tricks we have learned over years of printing and built a system that worked for our shop. Not sure if we are the first shop to use a template on press, but I am confident we are the first to bring it to market at this capacity……..well on second thought, maybe this is the first new thing under the sun since ever?

8. CAN I BUY INDIVIDUAL TEMPLATES? Sure can! We will be adding individual purchase options soon, as well as an oversize print option and custom size requests. Stay tuned.

9. DOES ASG REALLY USE IT DAILY FOR EVERY JOB?! Cross my heart and hope to die! This is the truest statement ever made in the history of man kind. Right hand over my heart…..here we go…… I, Michael Anthony Valdez Guevara the first, solemnly swear that since 2015 my company, Ace Screen Graphics, has been using Rapid Reg to setup and register every single job that has gone through our humble, yet dope ass shop, all day, every day, so help me God! Amen.

10. IS RR THE BEST SYSTEM ON THE MARKET? Different strokes for different folks…… all depends on your process, your level and your budget. At my shop, I’d say absolutely, it is the very best. What level are we? We are a two auto shop, with five employees, that exposes screens daily using film.